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IT 살이/04. 기술 - 프로그래밍

.NET 프레임워크 설치 여부 확인하는 방법

이 링크를 보면 .NET 프레임웤이 설치되었는지를 확인해볼 있는 레지스트리 키에 대해 나와 있다.

How to detect .NET Framework installed or not

If you search google how to detect .Net Framework, this(http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;%5BLN%5D;315291) page ranks very high.

Ignore all the details in the KB articles. It basically asks you to check this reg keys & value properties.

For the .NET Framework 1.0:
Value property : "3705" 

For the .NET Framework 1.1:
Value property : "4322" 

For the .NET Framework 2.0:
Value property : "50727

But wait, there is another not-so-well known documented way to detech existence of .Net framework v1.1. And it is not even in the first 10 pages of google hits.

Redistributing the .Net framework 1.1

It tells you how to detect .Net framework 1.1. And more! It also tells you how to detect the language pack, and J# package!

Should I say this is a failure of google, or Microsoft?:)